Create and Save Custom Styling Defaults for Layers offers a method for customizing the styling of most drawing layers you create. To open the Customization Form, you find the layer in the layers window on the left menu. If the layer is able to be customized, you should view the Customize Layer link. This will open up the customization form:
make sure you save your changes if you want by clicking the Save button
The Custom Style form is a multi-tabbed form and the tabs represent the main categories of styling
The color picker is a separate popup window that is used to help generate a RGBA 4 digit color code.
You can navigate through the tabs to set all desired style properties. Depending on whether the layer is a line, polygon, or point, there will be some different options.
The text properties appear as they do in the print view labeling window. By setting the defaults you can save time in labeling your maps